2019 was our 7th full year of this bizarre little life experiment we are doing. So far, so good.

The majority of what I write here on Go Curry Cracker is driven by my figuring this all out as we go. Thankfully a lot of other people are also making their own way as early retirees, travel hackers, tax geeks, expats, world travelers, nomadic families, and adventurers, and we are able to contribute to our collective well-being in some small way.

This year my attention seemed to be grabbed by:

  • tax optimization,
  • portfolio longevity/growth,
  • the mental transition from employment to fun-employment,
  • biking,
  • the lost art of laziness and un-productivity.

Based on this year’s blog traffic and profit numbers, perhaps too much on those last two. :p

GCC Business Review

Here are the traffic, revenue, profit, and hours worked on Go Curry Cracker dot com in 2019.


The following table shows raw blog traffic and profit, with estimates for hours of my time invested based on number of posts.

I guess with 36 posts published this year that means I did nothing for 16+ weeks – that seems about right. (And due to guest posts, total effort might be estimated high.)

(Sched C)
($/1k view)

Overall I think this was a great year. With time and effort inline with 2017 levels, page views and revenue were too.

I biked more, wrote less, did almost no marketing or outreach, and took most of the summer off. I even explored selling the blog to allow more time for other things in life such as taking naps, procrastinating, and being sassy on Twitter.

Social Media

Speaking of which…

TwitterInstagram, and Facebook followers have all increased in the last year, which is nice. The Forum has also grown, and Email subscriptions jumped a lot.

I post more regularly on social media, so if you want to turn your GCC experience up to 11 please follow on those platforms. (pretty please.)

As of January 1, 2020, we have:

If you aren’t subscribed to the Go Curry Cracker Cool & Crazy Email List, be sure to do that here. All the cool kids are doing it.


This is what revenue looked like in 2019 from each source:

Advertising – $25,387 (context based ads)
Credit cards – $19,022 (FREE travel! Retail price on our latest rtw trip was $7,000. We paid $200.)
Personal Capital – $5,900 (great cash flow and investment tracking tool. And it is free. Read my review.)
Blog hosting – $2,990 (Read my post on how to start a blog.)
Shopping Portals – $1,225 (see how to Never Pay Retail Again via sites like Ebates and Befrugal)
Convertkit – $1,107 (our mailing list tool. It’s great!)
Consulting – $1,000
Traveling Mailbox – $990 (our digital mailbox, read my review)
World Nomads – $735 (travel insurance)
Amazon.com – $492 (books and stuff)
Elegant Themes – $300 (our blog Theme provider)
Betterment – $0 (meets expectations)
Other – $5,895 (income from smaller sources and other blogs)
Total – $64,043 (A 20% reduction over last year – full 2018 revenue details at that link.)

Not shown in the numbers above are cost savings we get through AirBnB & Raise referrals. This is money we didn’t have to spend thanks to readers signing up and using their services.

AirBnB: $893 (some examples from Europe.)
Raise: $55 (discount gift cards – $5 off first purchase.)
Total: $948

Expenses run ~5% of revenue, which brings real profit in around $61k. On paper, the home office deduction reduces that another few thousand, and Jr is able to contribute a bit to his Roth IRA thanks to charging me modeling fees.

2020 Focus

For 2020 I expect I’ll continue to bike, nap, procrastinate, be sassy on Twitter, play with spreadsheets, and write about the strange things I think about.

If there is any topic you are interested in that you think would be a good fit on this blog, let me know in the comments!

I’ll also continue to answer questions on the Forum and for those who want more individual attention with their early retirement goals and aspirations.

For overall GCC website health, I recently did a ton of site performance optimization – it should load much faster. I also did a bit of SEO, kinda, sorta – it’s really boring. And I even decided to learn a bit of javascript by writing some cool (imho) calculators.

Check em out:

We are currently in Japan for a ski vacation (20 cm of fresh snow today!) so I’ll check back in next week. Thank you for making 2019 a wonderful year!

Hitting the slopes

Thanks for reading!

Been thinking of Starting a Blog? Our step-by-step guide will have you up and running in 30 minutes for less than the price of a monthly latte.