In 2012, we set off into the great unknown, slowly exploring the planet, savoring local cultures and food, and even settling for a short time to have a baby! Through sharing our adventures and detailed financials, we’ve found a great online community and lots of success. Thank you!
Press/Media: Please contact us via the Contact Form or Send E-Mail.
Here are some of the wonderful things readers have shared with us:
“I work with tax returns everyday from a lending perspective but have never seen anyone execute a tax strategy as well as you have… I was finally able to put together a good tax plan for our retirement, something I have struggled with for years” – Matthew
“I teach my students how to become FI by 35-40. I used your blog as an example of a couple that had already done this. I pulled up your blog in class and gave them some background about you and Winnie and told them that you guys were basically traveling the world, living off of a 4% withdrawal from your stock investments. They sat there stunned, as if they finally believed it was possible…” – Julie
“It’s hard to offer advice to a guy like Jacobson on how to run his finances. He clearly has his situation under control.” – MP Dunleavey
“Holy cow, I’m jumping out of my skin right now! I just listened to the interview you did on Radical Personal Finance in Sept, and I’m totally fired up! I fully plan to read EVERY post on your site” – Dave
- This Couple Saved $100,000 a Year, Retired Early and Now Travel the World. Here’s How They Did It – Time / Money (5/2018)
- Former engineer scales back lifestyle in order to retire early – Video, ABC World News Tonight (4/2018)
- People Magazine Wellness Issue – Print (9/2016)
- How I retired at 33 and so can you – CNBC (3/2016)
- How to Become an Everyday Millionaire… From Those Who’ve Done It – Fiscal Times (2/2016)
- Meet the couple who retired in their 30s to travel – Daily Mail UK (2/2016)
- This couple got rich by spending a decade investing every spare cent – (2/2016)
- We retired in our 30s and now spend our time traveling the world – Mirror (2/2016)
- Yes, it’s possible to retire in your 30s – BBC (12/2015)
- A couple who retired in their 30s with ‘multi-millions’ explain how much they had to save – Yahoo Finance (9/2015)
- How we built our net worth to $1 million to leave our jobs and start traveling the world in our 30s – Business Insider (7/2015)
- How to retire in your 30s: save most of your money and rethink your core values – Vox (5/2015)
- Couple retired by 30 to travel the world – WGN TV (4/2015)
- Want to Retire in Your 30s and Travel the World?This Couple Did!– Yahoo Travel (3/2015)
- How This Couple Retired In Their 30s to Travel the World – Forbes (3/2015)
- This Couple Retired in their 30s. Could You? – Huffington Post (8/2014)
- Här är paret som gick i pension – före 40 år – Expressen (3/2016) (Sweden)
- 夢想達成-兩公婆死慳死抵 30幾歲退休遊世界 – 蘋果日報 (2/2016) (Hong Kong) (Amazing video!)
- Cặp vợ chồng tiết kiệm 70% lương để được nghỉ hưu ở độ tuổi 30 – VNExpress (10/2015) (Vietnam)
- Stel spaart geld, gaat op dertigste met pensioen – metro (9/2015) (Netherlands)
- Homem que se aposentou antes dos 40 e viaja o mundo conta como chegou lá – InfoMoney (7/2015) (Brazil)
- Работать всю жизнь — не наш путь к счастью – (5/2015) (Russian)
- Paar geht mit Mitte 30 in Rente, um zu reisen – Die Welt (4/2015) (Germany)
- בלי אקזיטים: כך הצליח זוג עובדי היי-טק לצאת לגמלאות לפני גיל 40 – Geektime (4/2015) (Israel)
- 奔向財務自由!我們30多歲退休環遊世界,你也可以. – ETToday (12/2013) (Chinese/中文)
- How This Couple Retired In Their 30s and Now Travel Around The World: An Interview With Go Curry Cracker – Making Sense of Cents (4/2018)
- Financial Independence Day Interview – Even Steven Money (1/2016)
- Jeremy Jacobson & Winnie Tseng, So Money – Farnoosh Torabi (8/2015)
- How Jeremy Jacobson Retired In His 30’s and You Can Too! – His & Her Money (5/2015)
- How to Retire in Your 30s – Side Hustle Nation (4/2015)
- 10 Questions with Go Curry Cracker – 1500 Days (4/2015)
- Ten Years and A Day – Mad Fientist
- Work 10 Years, Retire Early, & Travel the World – Radical Personal Finance
- Interview with Jeremy and Winnie – Retire Early Lifestyle
- Spend Little, Save More, Travel the World – The Voluntary Life
Guest posts
- My Name is Jeremy, and This is How I Retired in My 30s – Budgets Are Sexy (2/2015)
- Traveling the World Frugally – Dividend Mantra
- They Will Kill You For Your Shoes – Jim Collins NH
- Best International Personal Finance Blog – Plutus Awards (9/2015)
- 5 Best Websites to Help You Retire Early – Wisebread (6/2015)
- Voted Top Finance Blog – Broadview Networks