Magical things happen at 17 °F below zero. Water vapor in your breath become ice crystals, making it appear as if you have transformed into a dragon, breathing fire and smoke. The hair in your nose freezes instantaneously upon contact with the outdoors. Smooth surfaces become ad hoc skating rinks, or if caught unaware, dangerous traps sprung by Mother Nature with the intent of reintroducing you suddenly and painfully to gravity.
What a couple weeks! We arrived to find Minnesota completely devoid of snow and with Seattle-like temperatures. Not wanting to disappoint, the weather finally came through with a foot of snow and subfreezing temperatures. (more…)
The church is filled with row upon row of the couples’ closest friends and family. The bride looks stunning, her hair, makeup, and gown are immaculate. The flowers fill the air with the scent of spring. Everybody is smiling, most of all the bride and groom. This is the day she dreamed about since she first watched Cinderella as a child
Its hot. I need a beer, and fast. Or in this case, two.
“Dos cervezas, por favor” is about all the Spanish I know, despite 3 years of Spanish in high school and a few halfhearted attempts to learn it later in life. So what better place to begin our world travels than Latin America?
Complete inability to communicate with anybody about anything is definitely an opportunity for adventure. Need a bus ticket? Sorry. How about a restroom? No luck. Where are we going to sleep tonight? Hey, do you speak English?!