“Hello, Winnie? Yes, this is Dr. Luo. Your pap smear test results have come back, and we found some abnormal cell growth that needs to be evaluated immediately”
Two weeks ago I received this late night call from my maternity doctor. As part of my post delivery checkup we did a full health evaluation, and the results showed high grade lesions on my cervix (HSIL)
Do I have cervical cancer?! Google seemed to think so. The more I searched, the more panic set in. I just had a baby, I need to be here to take care of him
Just one year ago, before starting IVF, my health test results were all perfect. Every prior year as well. How can I go from perfect health to having severely abnormal cells on my cervix in such a short period of time, and at such a young age?
On the phone, we scheduled a biopsy with a cancer specialist, Doctor Yu. During the week of waiting for the results, I tried to appreciate every precious moment with my beautiful little boy. I’ve never been so scared, and still feel the heavy weight of worry
The biopsy results were not positive, showing cell mutation of varying degrees up to CIN3, the most severe level. There is some debate if this is considered “cancer” or “pre-cancer”, but the debate is not important. Doctor Yu recommended we schedule immediate surgery
This past Friday I underwent general anesthesia for a cold-knife conization procedure, which hopefully removed all of the abnormal tissue from my cervix. We will review the results of a biopsy on this tissue later this week. Best case, I will need to undergo quarterly testing to detect re-occurrence
I’m grateful my Doctor reminded me to schedule a post-delivery health check. I’m fortunate that we were able to detect the cell mutation early enough that it could be removed with a simple procedure, and hadn’t become invasive.
Many others are not so lucky. Everything about my history says I was low risk, and yet here I am. It can happen to anybody.
Many of my friends say they can’t remember when they had their last pap smear, although they have now all scheduled a health check.
Please, if you haven’t had a pap smear recently, schedule one as soon as possible. Cervical cancer is 100% curable if detected early enough. If the HPV vaccine is available to you, please start the series.
I’m still afraid of what happens next, and it will probably be some time before things feel normal again. There can be no greater reminder of what is important than when your health is in question.
When was your last pap smear? This simple procedure might save your life too
– Winnie
Costs under Taiwan’s Single Payer Health System:
Post-delivery health check: ~$12
Consultation with Cervical Cancer specialist: ~$12
Biopsy: $1
(Yes, $1. We had to pay for a small piece of plastic used in the procedure)
Conization surgery: ~$130
Total: $155
SO GLAD that you are okay, Winnie and that you were diligent early on! Your two boys need you as do your friends and Patricia and me.
Thank you Tom. Please remind Patricia to get a health check!
Love you, Winnie
Thank goodness you went to that health check! After seeing the cost of your procedure, I think I need to move to Taiwan! Best wishes to you, and enjoy that sweet baby.
I love Taiwan. There is even more to love than the health system, definitely worth a visit
You make such a good point! Sometimes, those of us that are still on the younger side rarely go to doctors for well-being check-ups. Which is a shame since simple standard screenings are covered by most insurances. Talking with some of my friends, I’ve realized that often people don’t want to get check-ups/screenings because they know they will be told ‘bad’ news (lose weight, eat better, reduce stress). Lately, as we prepare for ER in a few years, and as I am getting very close to 40, I’ve realized that health is my biggest unknown – so both my husband and I have been trying to improve our health… we want to make the most of our lives! Plus, I am trying to take advantage of a company-sponsored health plan while I still have it!
I’m lucky my Dr. reminded me or I may have put off too. After this experience, I will pay more attention to our health. I just scheduled a full body health check for both of us.
So glad you caught it! It’s so easy to be lackadaisical with appointments.
me too :)
Winnie & family – my heart goes out to you during this time. I have 2 little ones, ages 2 and 1, so I can only imagine the “what ifs” that are popping into your head. Thank god for that simple procedure. Your son really is your miracle baby because if not for giving birth, it might have gone unchecked for awhile.
Sending you my biggest internet hug and going to make my next annual exam this morning for October. Please keep us updated on what is next and thank you for sharing your story to help others.
Yes I was thinking so many scary possible outcomes. I’d be really pissed if I die because of not doing something so simple to prevent it.
Thank you for sharing so candidly about your experience.
My wife, too, has had similar results…testing…follow-up…continued vigilance.
Pro-active health-screenings are a life saver, and the best gift you can provide to your family is your continued good health.
Glad to hear everything’s okay, Winnie. Thank you for sharing your story – I wouldn’t be surprised if this post ends up saving someone’s life.
Thank you for, in the midst of this crisis, caring enough about others to give us all a wake up call.
I have been putting off my mammography…I’m busy…it’s a hassle to get to the clinic…it’s uncomfortable etc.
I’m calling for the appointment now!
Please be well…sending you my best wishes and hopes.
Hi Winnie,
Sorry for the big scare this brings but glad you got in for the exam needed because prevention is key!! I’ve been down that same road and my Dr. told me when it began, that if I was going to have more children – to do it sooner rather than later. A handful of years later I did end up having a hysterectomy as the stages of cancer progressed.
Thanks to pap smears – it was caught early enough that chemo or radiation was not needed. Thanks to my Dr. – I was able to have one more child first. =)
Hang in there – I know it is scary but just stay on top of your health like you are.
And in the States?? The cost is closer to 20k all said and done…..
Take care!! xoxox
Good luck, stay vigilant. I haven’t had a health check in a while, I think I should schedule one
How scary. I’m so glad you caught it early. Thanks for the reminder.
So glad you are going to be okay! Thank you for sharing this as your advice might convince others to get a check and potentially save a lot of hardship and lives.
So glad you were able to find and treat this early. What a relief!
When you are faced with events like this I feel it reminds us of how fortunate we really are in our lives. I am curious – does this help reaffirm your decision for working diligently to get to the lifestyle you are now living?
Kind of the YOLO idea….
Yikes. Thanks for the good reminder and thank goodness things worked out.
Time for me to ask Mrs. DB40 about the last time she had the procedure…
Thanks for the reminder. I’ve been hemming and hawing about getting a Pap smear (hard to find the time) and now I’m definitely scheduling an appointment ASAP and will prioritize it. Very glad you’re okay and on the way to recovering from this ordeal.
Well that’s great that you caught it before it was too late but sucks that you have it in the first place.
I bet at times like this you never regret “only” saving as much as you did before quitting work. I think if I was diagnosed with something major at 40 or 45 or whatever, at least I would know I got to enjoy a big chunk of retired life. Spending time with my wife and kids, traveling the world. Reading all the books I never had time for while working, etc. I’d much rather find out I had to watch my spending in my 60’s or 70’s because I retired at 33 rather than work and work and maybe never get to enjoy it.
What are your plans for leaving Taiwan and heading to San Miguel de Allende? Are the medical facilities good in SMA or would Queretaro or DF have adequate facilities? I imagine it’s a lot to take in and think about. Just curious, as medical concerns overseas are one of the big “why you should never retire/travel/live overseas” criticisms. Not that I subscribe to that theory personally. :)
In any event, best wishes on the docs finding nothing and everything being okay. Hope you and Jeremy and baby GCC are doing well otherwise.
Yikes, scary stuff! Glad you were able to catch it and take care of it right away.
Glad it was detected so early. Hope the procedure took care of all the bad cells. Get well!
I have had almost exactly the same experience sans the pregnancy. I can understand that you feel worried but it is totally manageable. My doctor just has me come in 2xs a year instead of 1. If precancerous cells have developed they just freeze them off. Uncomfortable? Yes, but aren’t most gynecological procedures?
Give yourself some emotional space to feel scared and uncomfortable. It is scary thinking that you are healthy then to be told that your body has been producing cancerous cells is disconcerting to say the least. Deep breaths and peace to you both.
Glad the results are good! I had the same experience last Christmas (sent you guys an email about more thoughts), except that my biopsy caused a disaster, and I’m still getting bills from ER visit, various gynocolgist offices…. United Health Care sucks!
So glad to hear they caught it early! I hope everything goes well! What a scary thing to have happen, especially right after having your baby. I am a huge proponent of preventative healthcare and of regular check-ups and screenings. It’s one of the areas that we never cut corners on financially–it’s just not worth it. All my best wishes to the three of you!
Okay, that was so not the update I expected to see… What a terrible scare for anyone, let alone a brand-new mom! I’m so happy that things worked out the way they did. I hope you have many years of good reports ahead.
Hope that the procedure took care of the bad cells! The good news is that the abnormality was found and caught!
This does serve as a powerful reminder that routine care is just as important even when you’re healthy.
Glad to hear you caught it early. Whew! My wife gets regular checkups as part of her birth control requirements.