The Big Stage

The Big Stage

Taipei puts on one hell of a New Year’s Eve party.  A large portion of the core downtown is blocked off to make room for a monster sized stage.  All of the biggest names in music and the big screen take a turn at entertaining the massive crowds.

The entire regional supply of spotlights and lasers, and some seriously heavy bass, guide you to the epicenter from miles away

And to top it all off, there is a fireworks show using one of the world’s tallest buildings as a launch platform

10... 9... 8...

10… 9… 8…  Taipei 1… 0… 1…

Of course crowd surfing and joining the mosh pit aren’t the best way for a woman 6 month’s pregnant to pass New Year’s Eve, so we spent most of the night indoors with friends, playing cards, and talking about our plans for the new year

We are pretty boring in this regard.  We already have everything we want, and none of those are things.  Our wants are simple, and aside from avoiding mosh pits, mostly out of our control.  We just hope for a healthy baby

In any case, there are a few fun goals to take on this year:

  • Learn to change a diaper (an useful skill)
  • Summit Jade Mountain, the tallest peak in Taiwan (3,952 meters)
  • Swim across Sun Moon Lake in Taiwan
  • Grow blog traffic 5x (because writing is more fun when people read it)

With 10 children and numerous grandchildren between them, my Mom and Grandma are some of the best diaper changers on the planet.  They should be able to teach us the necessary skills when they visit in May

I understand there are 3 things that a person needs to do in order to be considered “real Taiwanese.”  The first is to ride a bike around Taiwan.  The other 2 are climb Jade Mountain and swim across Sun Moon Lake.  Winnie hasn’t done any of these things, but I think she is grandmothered in

I will probably tackle Sun Moon Lake at a big festival/event in August, and Jade Mountain in the early fall.  If anybody wants to join, send me a message.  It should be fun

We started Go Curry Cracker! a little over 2 years ago, and it has been growing continuously ever since.  I thought it would be nice to set a goal for growth this year, since we are in a fixed location until GCCjr is ready to hit the road.  I have many great posts in the pipeline.  If you like what you read here on GCC, your help would be greatly appreciated!

Maybe post an article you like on Reddit, or share with your Facebook friends or Twitter followers.  Tell your brother-in-law who writes for the NY Times that we’d love to share our story.  Or even just share your thoughts in the comments from time to time.  Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

With your help, we should be able to accomplish all of these goals this year, an accomplishment worthy of its own fireworks

Enjoy the show!







Happy New Year!

What New Year’s Resolutions have you made for 2015?