Happy Winter Solstice and Merry Dividend Season to all of my fellow pagans and financiers!
And Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Happy Kwanzaa! Happy Diwali! Happy Festivus! Seasons Greetings! It’s a beautiful time of year when the world’s people and faiths celebrate.
We are definitely celebrating.
2019 was our 7th full year of this thing we are doing. This is also the first year where we have an actual Christmas tree. We just finished decorating it yesterday after moving into our new apartment (photos and more coming soon.) I may have gone a little overboard, but it does make it extra fun for the kid (in me.) Christmas day we will be hosting a little get together with friends, exchanging gifts, and consuming large quantities of slowly cooked meats.
Christmas Spirit
We traveled a bit less this year. I believe this was the first year that we didn’t step foot into the United States, instead spending most of the year in Taiwan with some side adventures to Thailand, Vietnam, and Bali. Indonesia was country number 40 or 41 for Jr. In a few weeks we will also be visiting Japan for a ski and hot spring holiday just before the Chinese New Year. I hear we may have to share the hot springs with some snow monkeys.
It was a great year for me. Assuming I bike 35 km this week, 2019 will be my busiest biking and swimming year ever – 1600+ km on the bike and 52 km in the pool. I also did more squats than in any year since high school. I’ll try to do better in 2020.
Winnie has been busier than anybody. She has continued to make impressive gains with her painting, and even sold her first piece. More to come.
Jr is starting to read a bit in both English and Chinese, and is writing all of the numbers and doing basic addition and subtraction. He is also becoming a tough little soccer player and rollerblader. Kids are pretty amazing.
“I’m not sorry for the things I do” – Carbona Not Glue
Despite all of the excitement to date, 2020 may be the biggest year yet. Stay tuned.
Blog wise, I took an extended summer off so only 39 new posts were published this year. These were the 5 most popular… most of them being written in January may have something to do with that.
- How Do I Live Off Just Dividends?
- You Will Die Before You Run Out of Money
- US vs International Investing
- 6 Years of (Nearly) Income Tax Free Living
- The 2019 GCC Asset Allocation
And these are the 5 most popular posts from previous years that have stood the test of time:
- Never Pay Taxes Again (recently refreshed for modern times)
- The Great Roth Controversy
- Renters For Life
- The Path to 100% Equities
- What is Your Retirement Number – The 4% Rule
And here are a few of my favorite pics (more on Instagram)
Taipei, Taiwan
Bali, Indonesia
Da Nang, Vietnam
I wish you all a warm and joyous holiday season. Thank you for reading, sharing, and telling all of your friends! ;)
Here is to 2020 being the best year yet!
Jeremy, Winnie, & Julian
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to the GCC Family!
Thank you Shane. Happy new year!
Thanks for a great year of posting some fantastic materials. Happy holidays to you and your family.
Thank you Sudha. Happy holidays to you and yours also.
Merry Christmas and happy 2020 to you three! Thank you for all the inspiration and genius you share! ❤
ha, thanks! Happy new year!
Happy Holidays! Thanks for sharing all of your knowledge with us. I just early retired and have found your writings on health insurance and taxes so beneficial! I’ll definitely be taking advantage of your information.
Wow, that painting by Winnie looks amazing.
Nice job getting everyone all curious about your big surprise in 2020. Can’t wait :)
Happy holidays to all of you! *hugs*
Any big surprises on your side?
Happy new year!
Busy year for you guys. Winnie’s painting is amazing. Nice job.
Happy holidays!
I just commissioned a piece from her for my new office. Super talented
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!! Thank you for your posts. I look forward to more in 2020.
Happy New Year! Thank you Terri
Happy Holidays! Thanks for everything from my family and I. We are about 11-12 months away from FI thanks to all the great advice. Having FU money (JL Collins) sure is nice when crazy things happen too. Enjoy the new year and congrats on all the well deserved success.
Happy New Year! Your wife’s painting is beautiful.
Happy New Year!
Check out her painting Instagram.
Happy Holidays to you all!
Thanks for sharing your life virtually. I look forward to hearing more from you in 2020.
Traveling less is natural as kids get school age! (but there are always summers!)
Our traveling has stopped since we had our second child on Christmas Eve, but we are looking forward to planning his first trip!